



We are committed to Hong Leong Group’s values in growing its business strategy and effort to create long-term value for the stakeholders by delivering sustainable business goals to the people and community while contributing positively to the environment and ecosystem.



We keep integrating sustainability into the business processes on a day-to-day basis and facilitate sustainability efforts with government organisations and respective authorities.





HCIB’s business operations are contributing to and supporting five of the United Nations (“UN”) Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”).

We have also taken initiative to make contributions to other SDGs as well. This is aligned with the Group’s initiatives in building a sustainable future.





The Group has always prioritised the health and safety of its employees and embraced a non-discriminatory workplace environment that promotes a strong sense of belonging, sustainable growth and productive progress for employees, business partners, suppliers and customers. The Group strives to provide equal employment and career growth opportunities to each employee regardless of age, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, and nationality, in line with global standards. The Group has also implemented various measures, innovations and technology, along with management systems to practise sustainable consumption and production patterns that promote a sustainable economy.



The sustainability initiatives of the Group are managed into three different sustainability themes: Planet, People and Governance. Each of these themes carry relevant sustainability matters related to ESG that are expected to influence or be influenced by the business activities as well as the internal and external environment.

